Sunday, 8:00 am | OLSH, Buhl
10:00 am | St. Joseph’s, Chisholm
Friday, March 28:
8:00 am | St. Joseph’s, Chisholm
Friday, April 4: 8:00 am | St. Joseph’s, Chisholm
First Saturday, 8:00 am | OLSH, Buhl

Click for a schedule of daily Masses in the area


7:30 am - 7:50 am Sun | OLSH
9:30 am - 9:50 am Sun | St. Joseph’s


8:30 am-3:00 pm Wednesday | St. Joseph’s


3:00 pm Friday | OLSH



 “The LORD bless you and keep you!
The LORD let his face shine upon you and be gracious to you!
The LORD look upon you kindly and give you peace!” (Numbers 6:24-26)

 Today is a blessed New Years Day. What a gift! Every year on January 1st we celebrate Mary, Mother of God. The Holy Father also marks New Years Day as the World Day of Peace. I love being Catholic and I love being a priest!  

I want to thank you for all your prayers and generous patience. As our Bishop often reminds us, “God acts not a minute too soon or a minute too late.” Currently God has brought me to this center to receive abundant healing from anxiety and depression. As well as many cognitive tools to bring home with me. I’m so grateful to our bishop for allowing this time for me to heal. God is tremendously blessing me here. The care I’m receiving is fantastic.

Please know that I love St. Joseph’s, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, and each and everyone of you back home. I’ve offered the Mass every day for you and your intentions. When the time comes, I look forward to returning home.

 In God’s Peace,
Fr. Paul Strommer

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Greetings in the Lord! On Christmas Day 2022, I promulgated my Pastoral Letter, The Dawn from on High Shall Break Upon Us: Healing, Hope, and Joy in Jesus. The Pastoral Letter enlightens the Mission given to our Diocese by the Holy Spirit: As disciples of Jesus, we will intentionally help one another to grow closer to the healing, hope, and joy of Jesus, no matter where we are in the journey of faith.

The Pastoral Letter also identifies three Mission initiatives, each with its own emphasis. Presently, there is an emphasis on Healing. Over the past year, we have been encouraging people who are hurting to be healed through our healing ministries, sacraments, prayers, support groups, healing services, and relational reconciliations. There is convicting evidence that the Holy Spirit has been anointing so many in our diocese with the healing power we can only find in Jesus.

As we continued to heal the hurts in our personal lives, families, parishes, and the communities where we live, there is also evidence of an emerging sense of hope. As we experience the healing and hope we can only find in Jesus, we are beginning to embrace and embody the second mission emphasis of experiencing the healing and hope of Jesus in the Sacred Scriptures and Holy Eucharist (with an emphasis on Eucharistic Revival).

In my video presentation, I am calling us to continue our mission of healing (mission emphasis one), as well as leading people through the Scriptures and the Eucharist to the healing and hope (Paschal Mystery) that we can only experience in the Real Presence of Jesus (mission emphasis two).

I truly believe that the mission of bringing all people closer to the healing, hope, and joy of Jesus is entrusted to us by the Holy Spirit. I believe that the impact and fruition of blessings that we will receive as a result of bringing our mission alive will be bountiful — because in the end, our mission is not about us, but what the Holy Spirit wants to do in and though us, in the power of Jesus.

In the healing, hope and joy of Jesus,

Bishop Daniel J. Felton


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As I mentioned to you last week, Fr. Paul was in a two-week assessment to evaluate how best to proceed with addressing a history of depression, which for the most past has been manageable until recently.

Indeed, the assessment does diagnose Fr. Paul as being in a significant depression at this time.

As a result, Fr. Paul has requested, and I have granted, a three-month medical leave of absence to address his depression head on with a team of doctors, counselors and spiritual direction.

Fr. Paul loves you, he loves being your pastor and he truly wants to return to you healthy and sound.

This past week I was involved in conversations with Deacon Dan Goshey, Fr. Brandon Moravitz and Fr. Daniel Weiske, to discuss priest coverage for the next three months. All the priests want to be of support to Fr. Paul and are willing to make sacrifices to cover for him, as well as keeping their own regular parish responsibilities.

Deacon Dan, as your Pastoral Administrator, has also met with the parish staff to address any operational matters that may need to be addressed in the next three months. Again, in support of Fr. Paul, everyone is willing to do whatever it takes to provide good pastoral care and services during this time.

Now I am here to ask you to make some sacrifices for Fr. Paul as a sign of your support and love for him. To be able to provide adequate and consistent priest coverage, with the limited number of priests available, effective immediately, for the next three month we will not have a Saturday evening Vigil Mass at St. Joseph’s parish. On the website and in the bulletin, there will be a listing of all the Saturday evening Masses that are available within this area, including the Saturday 4:15pm Mass in Hibbing.

The weekend Sunday Mass schedule will remain the same, with confessions 30 minutes before each Sunday Mass at both sites.

Another sacrifice I am going to ask you to make is, effective immediately, for the next three months, there will be one weekday Mass which will be celebrated on Fridays. This Friday weekday Mass will alternate between St. Joseph and Sacred Heart parishes, beginning this Friday at Sacred Heart in Buhl. On the website and in the bulletins to follow a complete listing of weekday Masses in the area will be provided.

The First Saturday Mass at Sacred Heart in Buhl will continue as that is the only First Saturday Mass in the region. I will celebrate the First Saturday Mass in Buhl on January 4th.

As I would never ask you to do something that I am not doing myself, I will be a regular part of the Mass schedule moving forward for the next three months as my sacrifice of love and support for Fr. Paul.

Deacon Dan and the staff are figuring out how the Mass intentions will work for the next three months. Currently, we are thinking that Fr. Paul may be able to take these intentions for the Masses he will celebrate at his residential care center. More information will be provided, as it becomes available.

Additionally, if there is an emergency, as you customarily do, just call the parish number and you will get instructions for a phone number to call Fr. Daniel Weiske, so that he may respond to the emergency in whatever way is most appropriate.

Many of you have asked how you might send a note or Christmas card to Fr. Paul. Just drop off your note or card at the parish office and the staff will make sure that your communication reaches Fr. Paul.

I would ask that you not contact Fr. Paul on the phone, as his time with his iphone will be very limited.

Finally, it is very important that we financially continue to support our parish during this time. Financial stability will help Fr. Paul not to worry about finances while he is away. If you are at another parish, just drop your envelope in the collection basket and it will be delivered to the appropriate parish designated on the envelope. This might be a good time to explore how easy and convenient it is to do your parish support on-line.

Our common sacrifices for Fr. Paul show our Christ-like love for him. It is only for three months, but with the program in place, that I have just shared with you, we should be able to provide the necessary pastoral care for you in this in-between time.

I know this has been a lot of information. These thoughts have been recorded online and they will be published in next week’s bulletin if you wish to review them or if someone, who may be away this weekend, asks you what did Bishop Daniel say at the Mass—just tell them to go online or to read the bulleting next weekend.

Now you know as much as I know. If anybody tells you something different, chances and pretty good they don’t know what they are talking about.

As your bishop and spiritual father, I assure you, Fr. Paul is going to be ok, we as a parish are going to be ok. In the end it has never been about us. It has always been the Lord Jesus who has given us, healing, hope and joy.

In the healing, hope, and joy of Jesus,

Bishop Daniel J. Felton

To find out more click here.



Sunday: 7:30 am - 7:50 am OLSH | Buhl
9:30 am - 9:50 am St. Joseph’s | Chisholm


Office Hours

Tuesday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm

Our office is located at:

113 4th St SW, Chisholm, MN, 55719

(218) 254-5703


Church Open for Private Prayer

St. Joseph’s –Chisholm

Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm 


Our Mission

Welcome to St. Joseph's and Our Lady of the Sacred Heart parishes website! Here you will find helpful information about the life of the parish, which is all geared to a strong relationship with Jesus Christ.  Our mission is to make Him more loved and known in Chisholm and Buhl and the surrounding areas!  Join our parish family on Sundays to worship the Lord in the Celebration of the Eucharist! God bless you.

In Christ,

Fr. Paul Strommer

Pastor of St. Joseph's/Chisholm & Our Lady of the Sacred Heart/Buhl


“I lay down my life for the sheep.”

— John 10:15