If you want to rent the Social Hall, here is what you need to do:
As soon as you know the date and time of your event, contact the parish office and let us know you want to rent our space. We will make sure that it is available. We serve people on a first come, first serve basis.
Fill out and return the rental agreement form, available at the church office.
Pay the $100 renters fee (per day) and the $100 damage deposit.
Some more info about using our Social Hall
1. Use of the facilities can be scheduled through the parish office on a first-come, first-serve basis; it is important for users to contact the office as soon as the date of the event is known.
2. All payments are made out to and either brought or mailed to St. Joseph’s Church.
1. This is a smoke free building.
2. No decorating of wall or ceiling by renter. Decorate tables only.
3. Food and beverages in the Social Hall ONLY!!
4. All functions must cease by 11:30pm.
5. Parish activities and events will have precedence.
6. A designated representative will be available to open and lock the hall, show renter how to use appliances, and explain clean-up.
7. All groups using the hall will provide their own disposable dishes. Dishes stored for later use should be clearly labeled.
8. Users must set up and take down tables and chairs with the supervision of the custodian or a designated representative.
9. General clean-up is expected after each event. Garbage should be bagged and placed in the appropriate containers outside the building.
1. For civic groups the fee may be waived by the pastor. A donation is appreciated.
2. A rental fee of $100.00 per day will be charged for any non-parish event. There will also be a damage deposit of $100.00 due at the time of booking. Fee for use of the Parish Center is $50.00.
3. Food service may be arranged with local caterers. Let us know who you are using 254-5703.
4. Insurance will be the responsibility of the renter.